India uses the greatest amount of fuelwood of any country in the world. This means that over nine hundred million people are exposed to indoor air pollution on a daily basis, and it is estimated that consequently, 360,000 people die prematurely each year. The annual fuelwood consumption by 854 million people in India is 216.4 million tonnes per year, and in Odisha, 33.029 million people (FSI, 2011) annually consumes 8.894 million tonnes of wood. Here Improved fuel-efficient cookstoves can reduce firewood consumption, enhancing the quality of life. Deploying a fuel-efficient cookstove having energy efficiency above 30% will reduce 50-60% wood consumption and indoor air pollution by 90%. Meensou India is planning to deploy three hundred thousand improved cookstoves as a carbon offset programme in the next three years. Meensou India is developing an online platform for grounding the cookstoves and monitoring the project. In this deployment of cookstoves at the end-user household will be monitored in real-time. Further, for secure data storage and implementation, Meensou India focuses on developing blockchain-based technology that would give complete online control of the project.